Catharina Vreeke
(1827-1918) |
Catharina Vreeke 2
![]() Catharina married Marinis de Bart, son of Andries de Bart and Tannetje Vercijs, on May 8, 1847 in Hoedekenskerke, Zeeland, Netherlands.1 (Marinis de Bart was born in 1822 in Hoedekenskerke, Zeeland, Netherlands 1 and died in 1899.) |
1 MyHeritage (USA) Inc. Lehi, UT, USA:, "Netherlands, Civil Marriages, 1811-1940," database (https://www.myheritage.com : accessed Dec 1, 2019), Marinis de Bart & Catharina Vreeke; Burgerlijke Stand Huwelijken Borsele 1847, Gemeentearchief Borsele, Doc #:3.
2 Willem van Nieuwenhuize database and images, <i>VAN NIEUWENHUIZE & DE BART Family Tree</i> (http://gw.geneanet.org/flyingdutchman : accessed Feb 18, 2016); van NIEUWENHUIZE family and ancestors.
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