Robert Hampton Thompson 1
Robert preferred to be known as Bob Thompson. He was studying for a Bachelor of Pharmacy in 1939 in Perth, Western Australia, Australia. It is believed he was working for his brother Frederick (a qualified Pharmacist) while he was studying. He enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force on Jan 16, 1939 at RAAF Point Cook, Victoria, Australia. 4 Robert was listed in the Electoral Roll as working as a Chemist Assistant and his address was 34 Douro Rd in South Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia in 1941/1943. ![]() Robert Hampton Thompson served in the air force during WWII. ![]() Prisoner of War He was based at RAAF Air Force Base, Pearce, Western Australia, Australia in 1949 6 He was promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader - RAAF, 1949, Pearce, Western Australia, Australia. 7 ![]()
He was working at the RAF Staff College, Bracknell, Berkshire, England in 1955 8 Bob Thompson spent 2 years in England working with the RAF on developing knowledge in the use and deployment of jet aircraft as they would relate to the Australian Air Force. He was promoted to the rank of Wing Commander, 1955, Bracknell, Berkshire, England. 8 at the RAF Staff College there. He was promoted to acting Group Captain, in 1959. The promotion came with a transfer to become the Officer Commanding RAAF Darwin AFB in the Northern Territory, Australia He was serving in the as the Australian Air Attache from 1965 To 1967 in Washington DC, USA. 4 He was diagnosed with bowel cancer in late 1966 in Washington, DC, USA. He and the family returned to RAAF Amberley AFB early 1967. 3 He was cremated Mt Thompson Crematorium in 1967 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. ![]() Robert married Living |
1 Western Australia Government, death certificate 161 (1930), William Henry Thompson; Registry of Births, Deaths, & Marriages. Western Australia, Perth.
2 Western Australia, Boulder Registry Office, amended birth certificate 199 (issued 1917), Robert Hampton Thompson; Registry of Births, Deaths, & Marriages. Western Australia, Perth.
3 Personal knowledge of Robert (Bob) M.K. Thompson, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE]. R.H. Thompson was my Father.
4 Australia, "World War II Nominal Roll," Thompson, Robert Hampton; digital images, Commonwealth of Australia ( : accessed Feb 11, 2016).
5 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (, 1943 Div Fremantle - Subdiv South Fremantle #5567.
6 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (, 1949 Div Moore - Subdiv Swan #7434.
7 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (, 1949 Div Moore - Subdiv Swan #7434 Squadron Leader.
8 Anna M. Kroll, "Kroll Family - addresses, anniversaries & birthdays".
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