John Patrick Lillis
(1913-1990) |
John Patrick Lillis 2 3
Lived at the same address as Norma Pauline 1937-1980 (Electoral rolls) ![]()
He was serving in the - Army Citizen Military Forces (B884) in 1939/1945 in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia. 2 3 His service number was W72510 and his next of kin noted as Norma Lillis. He was employed as a Clerk with the Western Government Railways in 1946/1952 in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia. 5 was living with Norma Pauline Anderson at 1 Chamberlain St, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia in 1949. 3 6 3 6 He was living with Norma Pauline Anderson at 96 Ward St, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia in 1954. 3 7 3 7 was living with Norma Pauline Anderson at 4 Godwin Ave. Manning, Perth, Western Australia, Australia in 1963. 3 8 3 8 He was living with Norma Pauline Anderson at 85 Lyall St, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia in 1963. 3 9 3 9 was living with Norma Pauline Anderson at 23 Marsh Ave. Manning, Perth, Western Australia, Australia in 1968. 3 10 3 10 He was living with Norma Pauline Anderson at 14 Victoria St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia in 1972. 3 11 3 11 was living with Norma Pauline Anderson at 4 Welwyn Ave Manning, Perth, Western Australia, Australia in 1977/1980. 3 12 3 12 ![]() John married Norma Pauline Anderson, daughter of Stanley Algernon Anderson and Ethel Thompson, in 1939 in East Coolgardie, Western Australia, Australia.1 (Norma Pauline Anderson was born on May 5, 1915 in Boulder City, Western Australia, Australia 3 and died on Mar 31, 1998 in Murdoch, Western Australia, Australia 3.) |
1 Ancestry.com Operations Inc, Provo, UT, USA, "Australian Marriage Index 1788 - 1950," database (accessed Apr 4, 2018), Norma P Anderson & John P. Lillis; 1939, Registration Number: 110.
2 National Archives of Australia; Canberra, Australia, "Australia, World War II Military Service Records, 1939-1945," database(http://search.ancestry.com.au : accessed May 16, 2017), John Patrick Lillis.
3 Robyn Feeny, Perth, Western Austrlia [(E-ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE),] to Bob Thompson, e-mail, October 1, 2017, "Family Tree"; privately held by Thompson [(E-ADDRESS), & STREET ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE], Yeronga, Queensland, 2017.
4 Ancestry.com Operations Inc., Provo, UT, USA. database and images, <i>Ancestry Family Trees</i> (https://www.ancestry.com.au/family-tree/ : accessed Aug 9, 2019); John Patrick Lillis death date; Family trees of Goeman Family; Hoddinott / Lack; Belton Family; Mackay Family.
5 Western Australian Government Railways, "5662: Western Australian Government Railways-Record of Service Cards," database (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed Aug 9, 2019), John Patrick Lillis; Tray: TR85487; Roll:155; Reel:9516; Location: BX1456.
6 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (http://search.ancestry.com.au), 1949 Div Kalgoorlie - Subdiv Kalgoorlie Reg# 2794.
7 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (http://search.ancestry.com.au), 1954 Div Kalgoorlie Subdiv Hannans Reg # 2440.
8 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (http://search.ancestry.com.au), 1963 Div Swan Subdiv South Perth Reg # 18646.
9 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (http://search.ancestry.com.au), 1963 Div Kalgoorlie Subdiv Kalgoorlie Reg # 4139.
10 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (http://search.ancestry.com.au), 1968 Div Swan - Subdiv South Perth Reg # 10862.
11 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (http://search.ancestry.com.au), 1972 Div Swan - Subdiv South Perth Reg # 2629.
12 Australian Electoral Commission, "Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1980," database - (http://search.ancestry.com.au), 1977 Div Tangey - Subdiv Manning Reg # 3487.
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